To shop or place your preorder, go to our Shopify’s Catalog Page by clicking ‘Shop Now’ or by following the instructions below:


1.     発注フォームの全項目をご記入ください (mail to:。フォーム送信後は正式発注と見なし、キャンセルすることはできません。在庫が品切れの場合、当スタッフよりご連絡いたします。

2.     在庫がある場合、輸送費込みの金額が記載される請求書をメールにて送信いたします。支払いは発注時刻から48時間以内にPayPalにてお支払いください。

3.     支払い後は、PayPalの支払い済み画面のスクリーンショットを送信してください。この時点で、当スタッフが支払いを確認します。輸送先について不明な点があった場合、別途ご連絡する場合があります。

4.     入金が確認されましたら、7営業日以内に発送いたします。


  • オーダー:

  • お名前:

  • メール(PayPal口座とリンクするメール):

  • 電話番号:

  • 住所:

  • 郵便番号:

  • 国名:

  • 輸送指示・特定指示:

  • 輸送方法: EMS/DHL*



  • 胸回り: 

  • 腹回り:

  • 腰回り:

  • 首回り:

  • 上腕回り:

  • 腿回り:

  • 身長:

Shopping guide through e-mail, Instagram Direct Message, or Line:

1. To place your order, please fill our form completely (mail to: . After sending in your form, your order will be counted as VALID and could not be cancelled. If the product you are buying runs out of stock, you will immediately be notified by our staff.

2. If stock is available, you will receive an email containing an invoice that includes shipping costs. Payment could be done through Paypal within 48 hours from the time the invoice has been sent.

3. After the payment, please attach the proof of payment by sending us a screenshot from Paypal. At this stage our staff will confirm your payment, and may request additional details on your shipping information if it is not complete.

4. After our staff confirms with you that your payment has been received, the item will be shipped to you at the latest within 7 days of work from the item release date.

Order Form

  • Order:

  • Full Name:

  • Email (Connected to Paypal only):

  • Phone number:

  • Full Address:

  • Postal Code:

  • Country:

  • Special Instructions:

  • Shipping method: EMS/DHL*

Special Sizing Request Form

(Every custom size request will incur an additional charge of 8000 JPY)

  • Bust size:

  • Waist size:

  • Hip size:

  • Neck circumference:

  • Arm circumference:

  • Hip circumference:

  • Body height: